Sunday, December 1, 2013

Tis the Season of Chocolate and Magical Nettles?

I started taking Freeze Dried Stinging Nettle supplements as of last night. One capsule. (I'll have to look up the dosage) Which I believe provided a miracle. I took this in the midst of a depressive pity party for the loss of use in my right arm due to overuse. (resulting in what I can describe to be an arthritic type of pain, swelling, and hives deep in the tissues of my entire arm)

I was angry at my veggies for not keeping the evil hives away!

So... I took a nettle pill and ate two brownies. If I'm going to keep a journal for myself I better be honest about it.

But really, how bad is chocolate? It's actually quite low in histamines itself, but if I am reading this right, it can be an inhibitor. I can handle most things in this diet, but chocolate? I have a sacred love for chocolate.

It's December now, and in my line of work my clients are so very appreciative of what I do for their dogs, that at Christmas time, they bring me: Chocolate.

It's December 1st and I've already received a bag of Lindt Truffles, (omg) A box of expensive gourmet brownies. (Which were heavenly might I add) And a box of See's Chocolate Toffees. If it were cheap chocolate I would have no temptation to eat this..... but See's chocolate? I won't even go there.

I know this diet is not set in stone, and is more or less what you can handle and what sets you off.
Chocolate can maybe be an exception.......?

I do want to add: *IMPORTANT* 
After gorging down two wonderfully tasty brownies and taking a nettle pill my arm pain and swelling actually WENT AWAY within an hour. I would love to say chocolate cured my hives haha, but that's not very sensical. This was abnormal in the fact that: usually when I am in that much pain and swelling, even overdosing on benedryl it usually takes a night's sleep to even feel a difference in whatever body part is swollen. I was shocked to actually feel my pain going away and visibly see the swelling going down within an hour. OMG.

This NEVER happens so quickly! By the time I went to bed last night, swelling and pain were gone, and I got a good nights sleep (usually I wake up all night long if I have a badly swollen arm because of the pain)

Knowing my body, this had nothing to do with the benedryl/ibuprophen I took. I took 2 bendryls 4 ibu's at about 4 oclock (right after I got home from work) because I could start to feel my arm aching and my forearm getting tight, I knew what was coming next. Benedryl/Ibuprophen did not even touch it, and it became swelled up and very painful into the evening. I ate 2 brownies and a nettle pill about 8 last night. By 9 it was GONE. Pain, swelling, all of it. You cannot imagine my excitement.

I will be doing more research into the dosageing of Nettles, and hopefully HOPEFULLY this will provide some relief in the future! Pretty excited about this.

1 comment:

  1. I'm crossing my fingers for you and your nettles! Beware of chocolate, tho, as it causes me to get a migraine, and might you, too.
