Sunday, December 1, 2013

Tis the Season of Chocolate and Magical Nettles?

I started taking Freeze Dried Stinging Nettle supplements as of last night. One capsule. (I'll have to look up the dosage) Which I believe provided a miracle. I took this in the midst of a depressive pity party for the loss of use in my right arm due to overuse. (resulting in what I can describe to be an arthritic type of pain, swelling, and hives deep in the tissues of my entire arm)

I was angry at my veggies for not keeping the evil hives away!

So... I took a nettle pill and ate two brownies. If I'm going to keep a journal for myself I better be honest about it.

But really, how bad is chocolate? It's actually quite low in histamines itself, but if I am reading this right, it can be an inhibitor. I can handle most things in this diet, but chocolate? I have a sacred love for chocolate.

It's December now, and in my line of work my clients are so very appreciative of what I do for their dogs, that at Christmas time, they bring me: Chocolate.

It's December 1st and I've already received a bag of Lindt Truffles, (omg) A box of expensive gourmet brownies. (Which were heavenly might I add) And a box of See's Chocolate Toffees. If it were cheap chocolate I would have no temptation to eat this..... but See's chocolate? I won't even go there.

I know this diet is not set in stone, and is more or less what you can handle and what sets you off.
Chocolate can maybe be an exception.......?

I do want to add: *IMPORTANT* 
After gorging down two wonderfully tasty brownies and taking a nettle pill my arm pain and swelling actually WENT AWAY within an hour. I would love to say chocolate cured my hives haha, but that's not very sensical. This was abnormal in the fact that: usually when I am in that much pain and swelling, even overdosing on benedryl it usually takes a night's sleep to even feel a difference in whatever body part is swollen. I was shocked to actually feel my pain going away and visibly see the swelling going down within an hour. OMG.

This NEVER happens so quickly! By the time I went to bed last night, swelling and pain were gone, and I got a good nights sleep (usually I wake up all night long if I have a badly swollen arm because of the pain)

Knowing my body, this had nothing to do with the benedryl/ibuprophen I took. I took 2 bendryls 4 ibu's at about 4 oclock (right after I got home from work) because I could start to feel my arm aching and my forearm getting tight, I knew what was coming next. Benedryl/Ibuprophen did not even touch it, and it became swelled up and very painful into the evening. I ate 2 brownies and a nettle pill about 8 last night. By 9 it was GONE. Pain, swelling, all of it. You cannot imagine my excitement.

I will be doing more research into the dosageing of Nettles, and hopefully HOPEFULLY this will provide some relief in the future! Pretty excited about this.

Saturday, November 30, 2013


Interesting read here:


I just don't know what to think.
I haven't gotten any hive-related relief from this low-histamine diet. My arm is currently pulsating pain from my shoulder to my wrist. I'm reading everywhere DO NOT TAKE NSAID's "ibuprophen" Maybe I should start buying tylenol? One person claims that their hives were a hydration deficiency. Many people claim to have miracle cures... just do this! Maybe I should line them all up in a list and try them all. I agree eating better is better for me, so I'm glad we transitioned away from processed products. But will it really help with the ACTUAL HIVES? I want to be able to brush a dog and not have my arm swell up with hives and pain. Feeling frustrated :(

Food Stuffs.

Food stuffs!

Turkey day we ate:
Eggs for breakfast

A large turkey breast, chopped carrots, potatoes and celery, covered in organic sweet corn soup, and cooked for about an hour and a half.

(I cheated a little) We made biscuits, and I had some Ocean Spray cranberry sauce.

Yesterday for dinner:

Scrambled eggs with cauliflower and ricotta cheese
1/2 a acorn squash with butter and honey.

This evening we ate:
Homemade alfredo! Spaghetti noodles, sauteed cauliflower and fresh mushrooms, ricotta cheese, butter and a splash of evaporated milk.

Hivescale for today: Miserable with an aching hive-arm. Brushing a thick coated dog leaves me paying for it dearly in the evening time!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Busy Busy Busy

It's been a busy week!
And it looks like I haven't posted my food intake for 4 days! (Though I've done very well and did not eat anything on my nono list until yesterday)

Trying to remember what we ate:

Dinner: Breakfast for dinner one evening! Scrambled eggs with steamed broccoli, lightly sauteed mushrooms and ricotta cheese. THIS WAS AWESOME! Also made up some cream of wheat for us both, with honey.

Another dinner: Steamed baby carrots and brussel sprouts with real butter and salt. MMMM (I will have to remember how great this combo is) Pan cooked chicken, and a baked potato with butter and salt.

Also note: I have used no seasonings during the past week and a half, except for plain salt and pepper.

I did realize, the morning after baby carrot brussel sprout chicken dinner, My back was COVERED in little mini-hives. From my neck to the bottom of my booty. No change in diet, nothing weird. But it was my first major hive breakout whilst doing this diet. I thought I'd make a note on that. I really don't know why I broke out in hives so bad (Sometimes it's just a mystery) Other than possibly stress about the holidays etc.

Yesterday was a super busy day for me, day before turkey day! We ran out of eggs, so I was making organic oatmeal for breakfast and it blew up in the microwave :( crap! So I'm scrounging for protein in the fridge, whilst running out of precious time in the morning so I'm not late for work, and decided on just getting a Sausage-egg brekkie sandwich form starbucks and gave James my sausage. (Processed meats are bad)
Starbucks has the *best for you* breakfast sandwiches that are not greasy, and contain real butter on a toasted sourdough english muffin, with REAL eggs. I did drink my own coffee with real cream at home... no fancy coffee for starbucks. That fueled me through a huge day of dogs at work.

We got home late, and realized we had better run to the store to get a few essentials so we don't have to go out on thanksgiving or black Friday. (I stay home that day) It's the official day of shopping insanity. Watch out for the crazies! James got some eggs, and butter.... and since we were both dead tired we decided to get something cheap fast and easy. Taco Bell! Nothing like the good food we've been eating ;) but I was hungry tired and desperate!

My hands were already swelling up even before I ate Taco Bell.... it was a big day of working! I ended up taking multiple benedryls and going to bed early. But kept waking up during the night with achy arms.

James woke up at 4:30 in the morning with a killer migraine that would not go away. (I did notice that during the week and a half of good antihistamine foods neither of us have had a major debilitating migraine) He took excedrin, ibruprophen, to no avail. My thought was.... maybe it's a histamine hangover! We've done so good for about a week and a half, both of us (he eats what I eat, because it's just better and easier) I made him drink the rest of the bottle of BoltHouse Farms GreenGoodness smoothie juice. With TONS of good for you things in it. He looks like he's feeling better :) It's awesome stuff, but contains some pineapple. I actually have a recipe to make it myself! I could possibly omit the pineapple :)

I know that the color looks rather unappetizing, but it truly does taste awesome and not what you would expect! It even has echinacea in it! This is an awesome booster/meal replacement on the go. Kind of pricey, but your health is worth it!

So today is Thanksgiving! We really hadn't any plans on making a big dinner or anything, but I was explaining to my friend and semi-coworker Corrinne that I cannot have leftover meats, and a huge turkey would be a waste! So she surprised me yesterday with a single frozen turkey breast, enough for two people and maybe a few little leftovers (James can eat that) and a bag full of groceries so that we could have a *proper* thanksgiving. She's so sweet and thoughtful! Made my day.......

So we will have a yummy T-day afterall! And within the means of sticking to my antihistamine diet!
No pie unfortunately :( but that's ok. GEEZ scrolling up and it looks like I've written a small book. Anyway that's what has been going on foodwise and hivewise. I have some minor swelling in my hands today, but that's normal after a huge day of working. I will try to be better about posting everyday!!!!


Saturday, November 23, 2013

No more Aloe Juice for me!

Too tired last night to write an entry...
I do want to note that I am NO longer drinking any more of that aloe juice. The first evening I took it, I noticed I felt a little funny within an hour of drinking it.. flushed face, feeling very strange, and got hives all over my head. So the next evening I took another shot of aloe juice, I was on the computer doing something, and noticed my head getting itchy, I started feeling strange again.. my face got all flushed, my hearing started fading in and out and I realized I was about to pass out, I started getting tunnel vision and barely made it to my bed. My arms and legs did not want to cooperate as well, for a bit they went all rubbery and I could not move them, all I could do was lay there, and focus on not passing out. This really really really freaked me out!!!!!

I thought the first evening could be a fluke, but after experiencing the reaction from the second evening, I do not think it's worth trying it again. Maybe I am allergic to it? Kind of funny... it's supposed to HELP with hives/allergies. That was the strangest reaction I've ever had to a food. That's never happened before, and quite frankly it scared me! I will stick to using aloe externally thank you very much! Giving my body a few days, and then I will try the nettle supplements.

Anyway.... Food diary from yesterday!

Food intake was:

Breakfast: 2 eggs on sourdough toast with real butter
Coffee with real cream and sugar

Lunch: Who has time for lunch?

Dinner: Got home late in the evening and decided to make a *Beet wrap* with the rice tortillas. (The tortillas were really gross, I couldn't even eat it) So! Some cooked beets with ricotta cheese, some organic sweet corn soup with coconut milk and a baked potato.

Food intake today:

Breakfast: 2 eggs on sourdough toast with real butter
Coffee with real cream and sugar

No lunch....

Dinner: Pan cooked chicken with white rice, half of an acorn squash with honey and real butter. And a glass of mango/apple juice.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Long Day

Busy day....
Food intake:

Breakfast: 2 eggs on sourdough toast with real butter
Coffee with real cream and sugar

Lunch:Bottle of water

Dinner: Chicken alfredo: pan cooked chicken, sauteed mushrooms with chopped garlic, black olives and spaghetti noodles, with a homemade sauce of cream,ricotta and butter. YUM

A shot of aloe juice as well.... followed by some apple/mango juice.

Hivescale: My right palm is slightly swollen with hives, because of difficult dogs pulling too hard.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Food Diary!

Well... it's been a day and a half of antihistamine food!
I started yesterday..
(Morning didn't count, I woke up late and had starbucks for breakfast)
 I don't eat lunch because I'm so busy at work!

So dinner was:

Microwave steamable squash medley
Medium baked potato with REAL butter and some ricotta cheese

The coconut water in a can was the grossest thing in the world, I would not suggest buying it!

Hivescale: I had a few difficult dogs yesterday, and my forearm was super tight, and swollen with hives in the tissues. Took four ibuprophens and 2 benedryls and headed to bed.

Today! Food intake was:

Breakfast: cooked 2 eggs with sourdough bread toast and real butter
1 medium sized travel mug with coffee, REAL cream and sugar.

Lunch: Bottle of water

Dinner: I came home to a yummy stir fry of fresh asparagus, fresh sauteed mushrooms in real butter, onions, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and diced chicken, served over rice. (This was really really super yummy!) Thanks to my honey for cooking it :)
Aaaaand... I took a shot of aloe juice. (this stuff is nasty... have a chaser ready) Drinking a glass of pure mango/apple juice.

So tada! Food diary. I type much faster than I write...

Hivescale: A few spotty small hives in various areas, but my arms are NOT swollen this evening. yayyyyy

I also got some Black cohosh and Freeze dried Nettles supplements (finally)! My semi-boss picked them up for me while she was shopping at a health food store, so no more searching! Yay! I'm debating on what to try when. I know that if I start this antihistamine diet, and all the supplements/juice at once then I won't know what is working! I may just try the aloe juice and see if it makes a difference in my arm swelling. I have a HUUUUUGE week of grooming (everyone wants to get their dog all prettified before Thanksgiving) so I will be very very busy with lots of physical work! I think I will take a shot of ikky aloe juice once a day for a week. We'll see what happens! I will also make a point to keep writing down everything that I eat.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Grocery List!

I made a list of foods that are acceptable and non acceptable... and whilst in the isles of the grocery store, reading every single ingredient on possible foods I will be eating, I realized this was going to be much harder than I had thought!

The major hurdle was all the soy that products contain... I never realized I consumed so much soy until we spent 4 hours grocery shopping and reading all the labels. We tried going to Trader Joe's for the first time, but I was extremely disappointed. Very small variety on herbal supplements and teas, could not find anything nettle or black cohosh related. Lots of fresh veggies and fruits but over twice the price of  Walmart. But I did find my gallon of aloe juice at Walmart for $7!!! I have yet to try it.

I also bought a juicer! There are tons of recipes for yummy juices to make with fresh fruits and veggies.
I'm kind of bummed out about not being able to have Pineapple, Cherries, Nectarines, and Oranges and Peaches. I have a super limited list of fruits I can eat now, due to allergies. Apples and Grapes are safe!
No cheese makes me a little sad too. (Except for ricotta)

I can still have my breakfast burritos in the morning with my rice tortillas... just no cheese in it... or sausage. And I can have coffee and real cream (no creamer) and sugar! That's a plus...

Here's the list of foods that now inhabit my fridge and cupboard!

Fresh White Grapes
Fresh Regular Carrots
Fresh Baby Carrots
Fresh Fuji Apples
Fresh Artisan Romaine Lettuce
Fresh Brussel Sprouts
Cooked beets
Canned Beets
Regular Couscous
Organic Whole oat Oatmeal
Russet potatoes
Saffron Rice
Canned Artichokes
Coconut Water (in a can)
Ground Beef
Frozen Cauliflower
Steam-In the bag frozen squash blend
Frozen Asparagus
Fresh Asparagus
Whole Milk Ricotta Cheese
Whipping Cream
Fresh Garlic
Rice pudding!
Apple Jelly
Ground Turkey
Original Cream of Wheat (not the instant, it contained hbt)
Linguine Pasta
Sourdough Bread (the only bread without yeast)
Rice tortillas (from Trader Joe's)
Organic other tortillas (from Trader Joe's)
Fresh Spaghetti Squash
Fresh Acorn Squash
Fresh Butternut Squash
Fresh Kale
Fresh Mushrooms
Canned sweet corn
Organic Coconut oil
Fresh Broccoli
Organic Creamy corn soup made with coconut milk. (looked yummy and the ingredients were good)
Evaporated milk
UNbleached flour
Little mini cans of Apple juice
Apple-Mango Juice

Lots of healthy goodness! I (hope) to start this anti-histamine diet tomorrow, with the help of my significant other. He will be cooking up most of this! 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hives and Me

Hives suck.
They can be summed up as being irritating, painful, debilitating, itchy, and sometimes they can swell you up to look downright freakish. (Swelled eyes, lips) Hives are something I've been dealing with most of my life.  At age 13 I came down with my first bout of hives after licking a spoonful of peanutbutter (now 29). Hives are split up into types.. Food Allergies, Other trigger allergies, Hot and cold triggered hives, Pressure Hives, Hives from stress. I'm sure there are more that I will add to this list later, but for now it will suffice.

Hives related to food allergies happened much through my life starting at age 13. My arms would ache, and I would be covered in hivey welts a bit after eating one my nono foods. My food allergy list kept growing and growing and still does to this day, unfortunately. Avoiding certain foods became a habit. At about age 20 I had sporadic bouts of what I later found out to be Delayed Pressure Urticaria (delayed pressure hives). When doing activities such as using oars to row a canoe in calm waters leaves hives forming deep inside my hands in the area which I've used the most to do the rowing. My hands and fingers blow up like a balloon, leaving it red and swollen it feels like there's a golf ball stuck in my hand, and could not even come close to making a fist, let a lone a finger-bend. My hands were so swollen they ached and itched deep in my hands, and I imagined it probably felt how a person with arthritis would feel. A deep pain.

I have Auto-Immune issues as well. It seems as if there is a Strange Freakish disease that doctors do not know much about, I happen to have it. (FRUSTRATING) My body somehow likes to attack itself. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks at age 19 because of  idiopathic swelling in my spinal cord (Idiopathic Transverse Myelitis) Which came with a huge list of completely bizarre side effects, from the left side of my body becoming numb, to trouble walking. I had an *imaginary* flareup of this again two years later, I say *imaginary* because the doctors could find nothing wrong with me, yet I had all the same bizarre symptoms and pain as the first time. I was however under a great deal of stress at the time, and after seeing many doctors who could only scratch their heads at this phenomenon, it was summed up to be my body attacking what had already been damaged, possibly due to stress, causing psychosematic symptoms. (Again, auto-immune stuff)

I am convinced the auto-immune issues and hives are closely connected, so I am trying to treat both the best way that I can. Traditional doctors only want to treat the symptoms, not the entire picture, or the underlying problems. I am taking matters into my own hands! Hives have become ridiculously frustrating, and debilitating. I am a dog groomer, and I use lots of tools with my hands, and have to work with the dogs (some of them very difficult to groom!) If I use my scissors too much, my wrist and connecting tendons/muscles will swell up with deep painful hives about 6-8 hours later. If I brush a dog out who has a very thick coat, the pressure from the handle on my hand will turn my hand into a foreign-looking swelled up mess. This is really interfering with my work! I have to then ice whichever hivalicious part of my body is swollen and overdose myself with benedryl to (hopefully) clear it up by morning. Sometimes even the slightest bit of pressure can ruin my day. I wear crocs to work (my feet area always getting wet) and I busted the strap off of the back of one shoe. That tiny fluctuation of not holding my heel in the EXACT place it always holds it turned my foot into a football that night. I was in tears and disbelief that my foot could be THAT sensitive. I mean SERIOUSLY???? Sometimes the smallest bit of pressure can create huge problems. Carrying a bag on my shoulder? FORGET IT! I will have a natural shoulder pad by that evening.
This is unacceptable! I have a physically demanding job that I love, and I don't want to ever have to give that up. I've been just *dealing* with it most of my life, and I want to be rid of this! So.... I have been doing research and have somewhat of a plan. I plan on keeping a journal on how things are working as well. Hopefully I can help myself, and possibly others! Wish me luck!

Taking Charge of Hives! I have a plan!

I am taking charge of my chronic hives, and reaching out to other alternatives to try and *cure* them myself! By doing much research, I've found some things to try out. 

I have a plan! But I need to take action:

Low Histamine Diet (Yes, there are foods higher in histamine than others)
I am following a list of Restricted Foods and Allowed Foods that I found on this website:

HERE: Low Histamine Diet

Herbal Supplements:


 (Nettle tea, or freeze dried nettles in pill form) - The Stinging Nettle Plant helps reduce the ammount of histamine your body makes.
Information about the Stinging Nettle plant found HERE: Stinging Nettle Plant

Black Cohosh

 This Herb gives your body many benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties, and keeping your body from creating histamine. It's not at the top of my list of supplements to try, but anything that states it lowers histamines is worth a try! Information about the benefits of Black Cohosh found HERE: Black Cohosh

Aloe Vera Juice

 We all know that Aloe is great for sunburns, and used externally on hives to take the itch out. I recently found that taking Aloe internally is also very beneficial and works as a natural anti-histamine! It contains Magnesium Lactate, which acts much like Cortisone does in reducing histamines, without icky side-effects! Information about the juice of the Aloe Vera Plant found HERE: Aloe Vera

I was a bit skeptical about this... but I have tried it for other ailments and honestly.... it WORKS! There is such a thing as accupressure as well, but since I have DPU, those pressure spots would swell up like tennis balls by evening time, so no accupressure for me! My mother is a massage therapist, and has helped me find the exact points acupuncture is needed to help with hives. (Will provide links to these exact areas later)
I have tried this out myself, simply taking the tip of something pointy (not actually puncturing the skin) and placing pressure on that exact point is not too hard! Though I have been looking into some professional acupuncturists lately, and will most likely start treatments! I have read many success stories about hives and acupuncture, so anything is worth a shot!