Thursday, November 28, 2013

Busy Busy Busy

It's been a busy week!
And it looks like I haven't posted my food intake for 4 days! (Though I've done very well and did not eat anything on my nono list until yesterday)

Trying to remember what we ate:

Dinner: Breakfast for dinner one evening! Scrambled eggs with steamed broccoli, lightly sauteed mushrooms and ricotta cheese. THIS WAS AWESOME! Also made up some cream of wheat for us both, with honey.

Another dinner: Steamed baby carrots and brussel sprouts with real butter and salt. MMMM (I will have to remember how great this combo is) Pan cooked chicken, and a baked potato with butter and salt.

Also note: I have used no seasonings during the past week and a half, except for plain salt and pepper.

I did realize, the morning after baby carrot brussel sprout chicken dinner, My back was COVERED in little mini-hives. From my neck to the bottom of my booty. No change in diet, nothing weird. But it was my first major hive breakout whilst doing this diet. I thought I'd make a note on that. I really don't know why I broke out in hives so bad (Sometimes it's just a mystery) Other than possibly stress about the holidays etc.

Yesterday was a super busy day for me, day before turkey day! We ran out of eggs, so I was making organic oatmeal for breakfast and it blew up in the microwave :( crap! So I'm scrounging for protein in the fridge, whilst running out of precious time in the morning so I'm not late for work, and decided on just getting a Sausage-egg brekkie sandwich form starbucks and gave James my sausage. (Processed meats are bad)
Starbucks has the *best for you* breakfast sandwiches that are not greasy, and contain real butter on a toasted sourdough english muffin, with REAL eggs. I did drink my own coffee with real cream at home... no fancy coffee for starbucks. That fueled me through a huge day of dogs at work.

We got home late, and realized we had better run to the store to get a few essentials so we don't have to go out on thanksgiving or black Friday. (I stay home that day) It's the official day of shopping insanity. Watch out for the crazies! James got some eggs, and butter.... and since we were both dead tired we decided to get something cheap fast and easy. Taco Bell! Nothing like the good food we've been eating ;) but I was hungry tired and desperate!

My hands were already swelling up even before I ate Taco Bell.... it was a big day of working! I ended up taking multiple benedryls and going to bed early. But kept waking up during the night with achy arms.

James woke up at 4:30 in the morning with a killer migraine that would not go away. (I did notice that during the week and a half of good antihistamine foods neither of us have had a major debilitating migraine) He took excedrin, ibruprophen, to no avail. My thought was.... maybe it's a histamine hangover! We've done so good for about a week and a half, both of us (he eats what I eat, because it's just better and easier) I made him drink the rest of the bottle of BoltHouse Farms GreenGoodness smoothie juice. With TONS of good for you things in it. He looks like he's feeling better :) It's awesome stuff, but contains some pineapple. I actually have a recipe to make it myself! I could possibly omit the pineapple :)

I know that the color looks rather unappetizing, but it truly does taste awesome and not what you would expect! It even has echinacea in it! This is an awesome booster/meal replacement on the go. Kind of pricey, but your health is worth it!

So today is Thanksgiving! We really hadn't any plans on making a big dinner or anything, but I was explaining to my friend and semi-coworker Corrinne that I cannot have leftover meats, and a huge turkey would be a waste! So she surprised me yesterday with a single frozen turkey breast, enough for two people and maybe a few little leftovers (James can eat that) and a bag full of groceries so that we could have a *proper* thanksgiving. She's so sweet and thoughtful! Made my day.......

So we will have a yummy T-day afterall! And within the means of sticking to my antihistamine diet!
No pie unfortunately :( but that's ok. GEEZ scrolling up and it looks like I've written a small book. Anyway that's what has been going on foodwise and hivewise. I have some minor swelling in my hands today, but that's normal after a huge day of working. I will try to be better about posting everyday!!!!



  1. I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving dinner. :) Have you noticed any reduction overall in hives occurrences that you can contribute to this diet, yet?

    1. Actually... no. But the person who made the diet I am following, said it took about 4 months to see any sort of difference. I still get hives from working, and mysterious hives. Dealing with a very achy arm right now :( But! I am sticking with this, I can't accept this as a way of life.
